I confess.
I am a bag lady.
I'm not sure when this bag (or should that be bad?) habit began, although seeing as I can remember some of the bags I used to haul my school books around in 35 years ago maybe it goes back to my teenage years...
I wouldn't describe my habit as being too serious, it's not like I have to have the latest IT bag or anything like that, when it comes to bags the label isn't important to me (maybe because I know that within a season (that's 6 months in my fashion book I do summer and winter with degrees of layering to accomodate temperature variations - although clearly this layering doesn't apply to bags) within a season I'll be bored with the bag and itching for something new, and even I with my spendthrift ways can acknowledge that you shouldn't do t
I have a few categories of bag...
the everyday bag - (this is the one that gets the most use and is changed every season) needs to be a decent size, I need to be able to fit in a paperback, maybe an umbrella (a small telescopic one!) a cloth bag for those unexpected purchases when I, in a fit of planetary awareness decline the plastic bag offered, purse, diary,
the holiday bag 1 - this has been for several years my big pink Boden number (pic 5), it's sole use is as hand baggage, it could possibly hold the kitchen sink, yet still fits beneath the airplane seat in front of me (and fulfills the airline size regulations) and looks
the holiday bag 2 - needs to be smallish, but able to hold sunnies and cash and maybe a phrasebook, needs to be able to be worn across the body and preferably slot into holiday bag 1, currently this slot is being filled by pic 6, but it's not quite right...it doesn't quite do the job. Maybe it's just too old and past it?
the evening bag - I've several (surprised?) possibly because none of them
Looking at this collection of mine (another confession (I'm sooo hoping this is one blog that Si doesn't read...) what you see here is possibly not quite all of my bag collection (I am 45 this year, and at 2 bags per year that's a lot of bags, even if I only started buying them when I was actually earning money))
Every season as the new fashions hit the magazines and shops my eyes are always drawn to the bags (ok, and to th
- it was 1/2 price
- I never got a bag last season
- I got points on your P&C card
Maybe this is why he's now going on and on about his desperate need for a new suit carrier and a new suitcase, he'll be wanting a manbag next!!
another confession - if you think this is bad, you should see my earring collection....or my shoes....
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